Sunday, August 24, 2008

One Year Old!

Our little girl turned one just over a week ago. Here are a couple of pictures from her birthday dinner.

Last weekend, we went to Portland to visit a couple of my good friends from college.

K had fun expressing his artistic side with a series of "water glass" photos. I am including only a sampling.

C has also been having fun investigating Mommy's purse. Here she is putting her toys in, but she also enjoys taking things out. Credit cards are her favorite!

And last but not least, a little video of a walking baby. Much thanks to K for his persistence in getting her on tape. Although she is getting a bit farther this week, she is still quite cautious, only walking a few steps before crawling the rest of the way.

Classes start again for everyone this week!


Hot Flashin' Momma said...

She looks like you Jen!

Much love,

Jean said...

Happy Birthday! Fantastic pics, glad to see everyone is well.

Amanda Brooke Kilgore said...

I love the video and the pictures taken in front of the glasses! Glad to see you guys are doing well.