Thursday, September 23, 2010

Autumn winds

The years are picking up speed
like a train barreling downhill.
Breathtaking vistas disappear
before I can exhale.
Am I missing treasured moments?
I try to capture them.
Store them away in albums
where they cannot escape.
But perhaps it is better
just to ride the train
and stay awake.


Anonymous said...

This is beautiful. Some days I feel that way. Am I enjoying this moment as much as possible? Will I remember this someday when it's long gone?

I love your poem.

Anonymous said...

I know that Dad was always the one to comment on your blogs . . . you have such a gift for writing . . . Jen, you have captured in just a few beautiful words such a profound reality. Keep your eyes wide open soaking it all in and thank God for each moment. I love you! Mom