Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Back to School

K started third grade today at Lena Whitmore Elementary School. From all accounts, the first day of school in Moscow was a success.

We also went to a math department picnic this afternoon where he learned a new game from some of the graduate students. You'll have to ask him what it was called.

We are still in the process of settling in to our new house. I don't have the stomach to post pictures of our boxes, but suffice it to say, there are fewer than there were!

Fok's mom is visiting us and helping out for the next few weeks. We are blessed to have such great parents, and C is enjoying bonding with her grandparents. Grandpa Leung will be here for a week as well in mid-September.

If you missed the introduction, you can see some of the first pictures of our little one on my Dad's blog. Here she is at two weeks old.
C certainly likes to be held, but she still occasionally lets Mom and Dad get a bit of rest.


superstahr said...

Oh she is the cutest baby EVER! Well... except for my Tina *smile* And Kaleb is so big! He's not a little boy anymore. Kathy and Cherie say to tell you hi and that the baby is gorgeous! Congrats!


Jean said...

Hi, Jen!

Jay sent me the link to your blog. Thanks for the pictures! Claire is gorgeous, and it looks like Kaleb is taking it all in stride, while Fok is taking a nap! Congratulations to all of you.

I've never been to Idaho, so we'll have to come visit you.

Jean :-)

Randi said...

She's adorable! I hope you get settled in well. Just wanted you to know I read.